Innovator Founder Visa

The Innovator Founder visa is suitable for individuals aspiring to set up and operate an innovative business in the UK. To qualify, your business or business idea must be endorsed by an approved body, and you must meet other eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Criteria:

Business Idea Requirements:

    • Your business idea must be new, innovative, viable, and scalable.
    • It must differ from existing market offerings.
    • The business plan should demonstrate potential for growth, job creation, and expansion into national and international markets.

Endorsement by Approved Body:

    • An endorsing body must assess and endorse your business idea’s compliance with the specified criteria.
    • The endorsement letter must include essential details such as the endorsing body’s name, reference number, date of issue, and contact information.

Endorsement Letter:

The letter must be from an endorsing body listed on the GOV.UK website.

It should contain crucial details mentioned earlier and confirm your fit and proper status, legitimate funding sources, and absence of concerns over illicit wealth.


English Language Proficiency:

In the event that your English language proficiency falls below the B2 level, take proactive steps to enhance your language skills. Engage in language courses and regular practice to attain the required proficiency. Conversely, if your English proficiency is at the B2 level, you meet the language requirement. Prove your proficiency by successfully passing a Secure English Language Test (SELT) administered by an approved provider.

Dependants: Your partner and children can join you in the UK as dependants if eligible. Financial support requirements for dependants are outlined in the provided documentation.

Financial Requirements:

For yourself: £1,270, plus additional amounts if bringing dependants.

For each dependant: £285 for a partner, £315 for one child, and £200 for each additional child.

Activities Allowed: With an Innovator Founder visa, you can:

  • Establish and operate a business or multiple businesses.
  • Work for your business in various capacities.
  • Engage in skilled work outside your business.
  • Bring eligible dependants.
  • Travel abroad and return to the UK.
  • Apply for permanent settlement after three years, subject to meeting eligibility requirements.

Activities Not Allowed: You cannot work as a professional sportsperson, apply for most benefits, or the State Pension.

Business Plan Requirements:

  • Have a genuine and original business plan.
  • Be actively involved in implementing the business plan.
  • Commit to regular contact meetings with the endorsing body.

Innovative, Viable, and Scalable Business:

  • Present a business plan addressing market needs or creating a competitive advantage.
  • Demonstrate realistic and achievable goals based on available resources.
  • Possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to run the business.
  • Evidence structured planning and potential for job creation and market expansion.

Innovator Founder Teams:

  • You do not need to be the sole founder; team members sharing the same business idea are eligible.
  • Each member of the team must receive an individual endorsement.

Address: 20 Olympia House, Armitage Road London, United Kingdom

Telephone: 0044 203 137 9290

Email: [email protected]

You can be in better touch with our consultants for guidance through the evaluation form.

Address: 20 Olympia House, Armitage Road London, United Kingdom

Telephone: 0044 203 137 9290

Email: [email protected]

You can be in better touch with our consultants for guidance through the evaluation form.