Study Visa

There are various visa options for studying in the UK. A migrant on visitor leave may be able to study a short course at an educational institution of no more than six months. The institution must hold a student sponsor licence or be otherwise accredited but there is no requirement for sponsorship for the migrant. For longer courses there are other possibilities, see below:

Student Visa

This visa is appropriate for a person aged 16 or over who wants to study a degree-level or suitable below degree-level course in the UK. The college or university offering the course must hold a sponsor licence and they must have issued a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) for the applicant. It is possible to apply for a Student visa from outside the UK and, in some circumstances, from within the UK.

If the visa application is successful leave will be granted for the period of the course.

There is an English language requirement and there are also specific requirements for financial maintenance, which vary depending on whether the educational institution is in London or outside London and on the length of the course. In the case of a 16- or 17-year-old they must have the consent of their parents/guardian and there must be suitable care arrangements for them in the UK.

Depending on the level of the course the student may be allowed to work part-time, up to either 10 or 20 hours per week.

The student’s dependants (partner/children under 18) may – if the student is studying at a high level – be able to apply for leave as well so they can accompany the student to the UK.

It may be possible for the student to apply to extend the visa, to take a further course of study. And, in some cases, it may be possible to apply to switch to another kind of visa.

Child Student Visa

A person aged between four and 17 may apply for a Child Student visa to study at a private school in the UK. The school offering the course must hold a sponsor licence and it must have issued a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) for the applicant.

The applicant must have the consent of their parents/guardian, there must be suitable care arrangements for them in the UK, and there must be sufficient finance available to support them during their studies. Sixteen- and 17-year-olds are allowed to work part-time, up to 10 hours per week.

If the visa application is successful it will be granted for a maximum period of six years. It may be possible to extend the visa so that the student can continue their studies and it may be possible to switch to a Student visa if the student has been offered a suitable course.

Short-Term English Language Course Study Visa

This visa is suitable for those who want to study a short English language course in the UK for between six and 11 months. (If the course is for less than six months the appropriate application would be a visitor visa application.)

The school, college or university which has offered the course must hold a sponsor licence or be otherwise accredited but there is no requirement for sponsorship.

Applicants must be aged 16 or over and in the case of a 16- or 17-year-old they must have the consent of their parents/guardian and there must be suitable care arrangements for them in the UK. And they must in all cases show that there will be sufficient funds available to support them and suitable accommodation available.

Dependants are not permitted and extension of leave is not possible.

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Address: 20 Olympia House, Armitage Road London, United Kingdom

Telephone: 0044 203 137 9290

Email: [email protected]

You can be in better touch with our consultants for guidance through the evaluation form.